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Finding MP3 Files Online – What Is Legal Tubidy?

Finding MP3 Files Online – What Is Legal Tubidy?

Most people have heard of Napster. It was created by a teenager who had an idea that changed the Internet and how consumers view online music. Because of a young man’s innovative ideas, the words “intellectual properties” have taken on new meanings Tubidy. Shawn Fanning was 18 years old when he wrote the code for “Napster”, a utility that allows users to trade their MP3 files directly. Shawn Fanning’s nickname is for his hair. The program combined three main functions: file sharing to directly trade MP3 files, a search engine to locate MP3 files and IRC to connect with MP3 users online. The original beta version was downloaded from and became the most popular download.

Napster stored MP3 files on every user’s computer, and not on one central computer. This process was called “peer-2-peer sharing”, also known as P2P. Each song that was obtained from another person’s computer, which could be anywhere in the world. For file sharing (or transfer) to work, the main requirement was that Napster must be installed on every machine. These MP3 song files could be downloaded to each PC to allow for listening. They could then transferred to MP3 players like the Zen Micros and iPods.

This program is very popular due to the fact that you can download music online free of charge, and not have to purchase a CD. The music industry and even song writers were not able to make a living from their music. Many copies of music that was not owned by the copyrighted artists were freely available, which upset the music industry. Napster was removed from approximately 40% of US colleges and universities after it became illegal. The largest users were college students. This was due to several factors: college students are more interested in technology than the rest of the population; and colleges and universities offer high-speed Internet access for students. was sued in court by record companies for not making copyrighted material available online for students to download, even though they were collecting royalties.

Everybody was aware of the Napster case, regardless of which side they were on. Remember that once someone buys or intends to purchase an MP3 Player, it is crucial to follow the legal rules. Here are some song guidelines for legal downloading of song files.

1. Public domain

2. These images were uploaded by artists trying to gain exposure

3. Records companies released the CD to generate interest.

4. Site charges a fee for downloading. The artist or record company is paid royalties.

In 2002, the original Napster was destroyed by media companies, but its service was subsequently adopted by AOL, Yahoo!, and Microsoft. The instant-messenger services have enabled people to exchange music files, photos, etc. with their friends. Sony also makes some of its music available through ScourExchange.

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